If you get stuck in processes?

If you get stuck in processes?

Do you get stuck in processes? I often find that people get stuck in their processes or think they need to do more work and resolve things before…..ja before anything can happen? What do you hope to achieve? I would be happy to show you how to do it differently....
Own knowledge

Own knowledge

I am delighted that more and more people are realizing that they already have their own knowledge within them and want to bring it here on earth.I am also pleased that there are gradually more and more people who stop imposing their knowledge on others and instead...
Easter special review

Easter special review

I have to be honest, I published this special, like everything else of mine, out of impulse. From my inner cosmic guidance and joy. I had no expectations. (I rather assumed that nobody would get in touch because of Easter and such short notice). But I was clearly told...