After my site has been online for a few weeks now, and I didn't get anything in the period between November and January, at least on the outside, so I was more busy with my inside, I'll start my first blog post… in other words, completely new territory.
Several blog start attempts are already saved as a draft but so my igniting WoW topic was not there so far.
However, it is not because of the issues. When I start writing, I follow the energy and not a given topic.
But I didn't really know how to do it.
I just sat down, felt what kind of energy it is and then I started…My fingers are just taking on a life of their own… without thinking, without thinking…I let myself be guided… and I'm curious what comes out of it *laugh*.
From the confusion of letters to speaking Spanish to not speaking at all!
Anyone who has already looked at my website has certainly come across that I often have a hard time with words. Comments like "Why don't you say anything about it", "Say something" are not unknown to me… (smile)…
Sometimes a complete confusion of letters comes out while writing, apart from the fact that in everyday life I often have the feeling that I speak Spanish or I am visiting a foreign planet. The words also like to dry up completely.
Those who can receive my energy know what I mean …*laugh*… That's exactly what it is.
I feel the energy, I perceive it around me, and that's exactly what I want to convey to you.
But sometimes I sit there, completely amazed and perplexed by what I perceive around me, what is happening in my environment and sometimes completely overwhelmed….
Often I just sit there, like to take a neutral place on the moon to get a different perspective and am flashed by what my body and I perceive… I want to share it, because I am certainly not alone and zack I am speechless… or I can't transform it into words.
Is it important? Actually, no. They are only words and yet so relevant in this world because they are communicated.
But I often have a hard time with it, almost always, because I communicate differently and I find it enchanting and exciting how it actually works, if the other person is also able to do so.
It is the energetic language that conveys so much more than words. When questions are answered with looks, when a whole conversation takes place without words and you laugh together without words.
Indescribable and for me always fascinating.
What would it take to be able to communicate with everyone like that.
And for all those who find themselves there right now, you may acknowledge that. That's an absolutely brilliant skill!!!
If everyone would dare to do that, because everyone can do it in their origin, there would be no more misunderstandings, no more misinterpretations and the carousel of thoughts would also have holidays. And would there still be a dispute? We would follow our energy, trust ourselves more and be more aware and notice in time when something does not work and do not let it into our reality in the first place. Before… yes, before the thoughts begin to convince us otherwise.
And honestly, give it a try, just for fun, just to follow your energy.
That's such a brilliant feeling!
I notice this right now when I write, all the thoughts I had before, doubts, and what else I have recorded have just flown into the honeymoon and I sit here only with myself and my energy full of gratitude and yes that's exactly what it is…
That's you… It doesn't need anything else!
That's also funny, when I follow the energy in me, the letters are mixed up again. It's like translating for me. However, I will change the confusion of letters before I publish it. Since I'm a meticulous grammar fanatic (thanks dad :-))… Lach…. already interesting…
Sometimes I wonder if this makes sense at all, but those I want to address will "understand" me.
So even if you have no words for many things, follow your energy and perhaps ask to be able to transmit what you perceive in a form that is accessible to your fellow human beings, if you want to.
These can be gestures, images, body language and much more.
It is not important what it is, but the energy behind it.
In any case, it can only work if the recipient is ready for it and allows it to receive it.
"I don't understand you" -so what?
Often we want the other person to understand us. But why? Is this relevant? It is important that we understand each other.No one else needs to understand us.We often make this significant for us, that the other person understands us, almost justifies us. Just to get a confirmation that everything is right with us.
What if there is no right or wrong?!
What if we are just as wonderfully unique and can discover and recognize our abilities?! More than 8 billion people live on this planet. If you want to understand them all then good night.
Everyone has their own story and between words and what others hear and understand, can be worlds.
We often look for great happiness on the outside, but we already have that in us.
Stay with yourself in your energy.
You will attract exactly those people who understand you without words and where it is not relevant whether they understand you. It is then as it is, and it feels perfectly harmonious.
I also often feel that when some people can't hear what I would actually say, then it literally leaves me speechless.
Like such a warning system: "Attention, attention he/she cannot "hear" you".
Then nothing comes… also sometimes funny. When the mouth is already open and nothing comes out.
What language do you speak?
You know my language now, the challenge of translating it into words …*laughs*
What is your language?
Do you also perceive so much and still have trouble coming to terms with it in everyday life? Then have a look at my page or write me.
I'm super happy to show you how "highly sensitive and fun doing it" is possible.
Yes, exactly….that's actually possible and so much more……!!!
Your Susanne