I’m sitting here in France by the sea collecting.

Recognize and reap what I have already achieved.

How much I have changed, what boundaries I have freely broken and what new stories I am telling.

It is important to pause and collect the pearls.


Nobody would have thought it possible. Not even me. I used to suffer from anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder with regular panic attacks. None of the doctors treating me at the time would have thought it possible that I would ever be able to drive or travel to Portugal alone in a van.

Let alone lead the kind of life I do now. I have made it.


And then it’s time to let go again… to enjoy the climax, to recognize and collect the pearls and fruits and to move on. Into the next adventure. Whatever it may look like.

Enjoy the climax, harvest the fruits and at the same time plant seeds for the new.

Enjoy the moment and let the energy of the climax circulate.

