The topic of the body often leads to heated discussions.

Most say they have a good connection to their body. “ I do sports, I eat healthy. or I have pain here and there and there I have taken this and that against… "

I only ever hear Me.
Especially in recent times, I have been observing this more intensively. What about your body anyway? Does he want to do sports at all, does he even want to eat healthy? Does he even want you to take something against your headaches so that you can function quickly again or does he just want to tell you something and you don't hear it? yes good is also supposedly easier…. For now.

There was a time when I was repeatedly contacted by people who consciously advertised their bodies. I then see pictures before after, achieved with sport and conscious nutrition. I think it's absolutely great if you eat consciously and live consciously. No question about it. But this also means that I become aware of everything I do and then have the choice of what I do. Do I eat one burger after another because I want to and have fun doing it or do I do it because I don't think about it, put something in quickly and it's good. What I find frightening, however, is that consciousness and control are often confused in relation to the body.
Many people complain about their bodies either because it doesn't look the way they want it to, or because it doesn't work as intended, is in pain, and goes on strike. Instead of looking at why it hurts and why it looks the way it does, you want to "get rid of that". What you want to have away without knowing the reason for your existence, comes back to 100 percent certainty, usually more extreme, to really be noticed. To be seen.

And I know what I'm talking about. My body suffered from me for damn many years until I woke up and finally listened. Even if that sounds spooky, I have become a kind of body whisperer for other bodies, medium to mediate or translate between body and human being until they themselves have a loving connection again.

They are signals that the body sends out to tell us something, precisely because we do not listen. Mostly in the supposedly not so pleasant way for us. But if you look for yourself, where do you really communicate with your body, where do you really ask him how he is doing or take time for him to talk to him so that he can tell you what he needs without pain. If we rush through this world without stopping, we won't hear that small voice.
Body communication can be relearned just like any other communication. But this also includes listening to the other. Thus also the body.

How do we actually come up with wanting to control a miracle of a creature that manages such complex areas as the cardiovascular system, organ supply, all processes on its own, and to tell this miracle creature what it has to do, let alone what it should look like? What can we actually think of telling the body, the one who has such impressive processes, what is good for him, when he knows it best himself.

What if we included him in decisions that affected him? What do you want to look like, what do you want to eat, who do you want to surround yourself with, what sport do you want to do. Or body what do you need to be completely in harmony, healthy and in harmony? And LISTENING to the answer is eavesdropping. Pause and listen.

If we never listen to friends, don't give them space, they will eventually take a different path. Only with the difference that it will not be so pleasant for us if the body goes a different way than we do.

We have the body to be able to live as beings here on earth, to be able to make a difference, to be able to do our tasks. If we only use it as a tool, on the one hand it will eventually say: You can see me. On the other hand, the soul will no longer feel comfortable in it. But if you take good care of him, appreciate him, see that he is doing well, then the soul also has joy to live in it. It's a togetherness. No against each other.

A connection to yourself and to your body is also appreciation for you.