I am currently in my challenge accepted phase .

II do things that I don’t normally do. I let my hair grow again, show myself off and today I went to a dear friend and beautician and had myself pampered. And letting people touch my face is an absolute challenge for me.

I’m noticing it everywhere right now. Old structures, whether in the company or in the private sector, no longer serve. Stagnation, heaviness, boredom, little flow are possible symptoms. And sometimes we start creating crap out of boredom instead of taking the lead.

And that’s exactly what I incorporate into my work, whether in healing mentoring or corporate mentoring.

Breaking out of old boundaries, breaking boundaries and creating something new.

Create something new in cooperation with the beings that surround you and see what inspires you and what makes your inner fire and that of your beings burn again.

Giving up control and surrendering to the new with basic trust.