I am a creature of contrasts and extremes.

I don’t always just touch on the seemingly “Nicen” levels in my texts or videos. I also like to clarify, uncover and bring light into the darkness.

I’ve written about Co Creation from time to time and have already given an interview about it.

Here I would like to write again about how it actually came about and what distortions I am currently sensing in the areas of business coaching, corporate management, marketing and leadership.

I find it frightening what is going on.

Above all, there is a lot of talk about holistic approaches, but very important levels are often not even touched upon.

I have been silent about this for a long time now and have just been observing. But I feel that it’s time to show and own up and talk about the fact that I do things completely differently and that I am not only successful in my own field of activity for my understanding of success, but also set a milestone in supporting other companies, firms and institutions, thus touching a completely different level.

Time and again, I observe that people talk about business consulting and “I’ll show you how to make more sales” to “how to achieve everything you want with your business (also in holistic consulting) and “how to run your business” …..

And congresses of all kinds are springing up everywhere where so-called experts talk about it.

However, I usually sense either no energy behind them or enormous lack and ego structure energies.

Even in the spiritual coaching/accompaniment scene.

And the promised success usually fails to materialize or is at least only short-term and usually only serves the people behind it and serves and feeds the ego.

I only ever hear “me” and “my business”.

But what is completely forgotten is:

People, there are individual beings behind every business, company and so on.

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Along with it, the places where the beings work.

And that’s where I start.

A few years ago, beings from companies contacted me and I am now increasingly noticing that the beings behind them want to be seen and heard.

And not just in the sense of the people or what they want to hear or feel.

This is about real free communication and co-creation without levels of manipulation.

And I communicate with them.

Up to now, it has always been about what people want and it is becoming increasingly clear that these structures no longer work.

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Furthermore, it is always about leadership.

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It is a dance so that something else can emerge. A dance of leadership and being led.

The beings are given an expression through us.

This is very important to me because I simply realize how much potential there is behind it and what is possible as a result.

And how happy the creatures are and how freely they suddenly move and create together with us.

For the world and for the good of all.