Connection and communication

I really am someone who likes to do research.
To everything I encounter, in communication and connection with the earth and the universe. I’m quite curious about that. I call it my humanities. 😅

This month was all about connection, bonding and communication.
I researched attachment trauma, among other things. What this actually is …. was not taken from books or knowledge that had already been incarnated, but was received completely value-free, purely from the source of all being.
This opened up a completely new awareness and knowledge about it and also revealed a corresponding new way of dealing with it.

I was able to touch and “heal” many levels of attachment and communication in my coaching sessions and thus reconnect exposed levels.
Healing is actually the wrong word. It was much more about bringing connection and communication back to their original state and purity.
A completely different kind of connection and communication could be experienced and lived.
Above all, I was able to connect people even more deeply with themselves and their humanity, with life. Reunite shares/things that have been rejected. This was also evident in all connections. Whether to your partner, children, your own body, money, your own company/business…

A whole new kind of connection and communication was allowed to develop and touch the earth too. New awareness flows in. A new dimension is opened up.

We are connected to everything.
Once the primal connection and communication with you is restored to its originality and purity, to its primal frequency, all other connections and levels of communication are also re-initiated and can flow freely and unfold anew.


For me, the creatures I accompany are always very special.
I know, everyone says that.
But in the above. In this context I also sensed once again that all those who come to me are pioneers, leaders and above all very old souls who have a special mission here on earth. That touches me immensely to support them.
I am not responsible for everyone.
Of course, my favorite thing is when many people are touched and I am happy when I am allowed to touch them. And yes, I have so much to give. But it is actually not “mainstream” suitable. Not yet.
Nevertheless, it is making its rounds.

And as I realize this once again…I also realize how “old” some of the connections to my companions are. These connections are deep, even if we are not always directly aware of them.
These connections span incarnations. I feel the intensity of this connection and also this urgency and my task in it. That is an honor for me.
Some I only touch briefly. I accompany some for a long time, deeper and deeper, and through this new creation arises.
So I had to think about how a dear soul once read to me that I don’t have to worry about clients (I don’t like the word…for me they are souls and beings), because we have already made our connections and appointments in other worlds and incarnations. “And they will find you. “
Today I realize…it is a circle of old souls who unite around me, who I am allowed to remind of themselves and their knowledge and who at the same time remind me of these deep old wise connections and my task in them.