What is it? Many think of zack Bum everything is good again, Happy Sunshine and you are enlightened, you are never sick again and just floats through life or all who deal with it, walk around in wool socks. Also interesting. I always have to laugh when I look at myself.

Being High through Consciousness

Floating through life can be, at least that's how it feels sometimes. (Being high by consciousness! The hottest drug ever. I would never have thought possible!!!)But not without stops or closed doors. But the trick is not to bang your head against the closed door every time, but to realize that you just have to open the door to continue on your way.

Every door is a layer of you

Every door is a layer of you. The more doors you open, the closer you get to the very core of yourself, your origin. In addition, you meet a lot of people, situations, who always put you in front of a closed door, even if you often say, "Man lord, I've been here before". Door by door you become freer, free from limitations, blockages, thoughts, views, expectations and emotions, from what keeps you from radiating, from living your truth, from living yourself, your strength, your power.
Healing builds on each other. There is no shortcut. Everyone has their own healing path. There is no point in tearing everything down at once and standing completely naked in front of freedom and yourself.

Healing means step by step to live one's freedom and also to be able to deal with one's own strength, one's own radiance.
Often we want to be healthy, to be free, to live ourselves without actually knowing what that means and how to deal with these forces that arise.
Healing means getting to know oneself, being able to endure one's own radiance, one's own greatness, one's own love and to live it.
Healing means meeting oneself and one's shadows.
Healing means ending the struggle within oneself and against oneself.
To be!
and thus also to be a healing for others and for the world.


Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. There you stand in front of the closed door and are so fixated on it that the door is closed that you no longer even think about simply opening it. It helps if someone looks at it from the outside and lovingly supports you in recognizing these doors that prevent you from taking the next steps and opening them together with you at your pace and walking through them with you.