I have to be honest, I published this special, like everything else of mine, out of impulse. From my inner cosmic guidance and joy. I had no expectations. (I rather assumed that nobody would get in touch because of Easter and such short notice). But I was clearly told to “do it” and I did. I opened it for a total of 4 creatures. This is important to me so that I can provide individual support and what can I say. I am infinitely grateful. All 4 creatures have found their way to me. Cosmic Divine Guidance_Federation 🙏

The healing walk yesterday was with a doctor.

We sat here together.

He was allowed to resurrect in his very own original knowledge and was trained by the universe and the elements with my support.

🌟Thankful 🌟

He takes all this with him to his practice in Germany to the people.

To the Powerspaces ….ohne Worte…. so much was moved and shifted, healed, closed, opened and set free … this can still be integrated and simply work and flow gratefully without words. The feeling says it all. HOLY, BLESSING. COSMIC,….RESURRECTION. REBIRTH. TRUTH, FREEDOM….and much more.