🌟Training in your own original knowledge 🌟

🌟We start on 01.03.24

Are you in?

🌟Registration only possible until 22.02.24

🌟You can still contact us for an InfoFühl conversation until 20.02.24.

Take your old new place now, in this changing time and change the world with your own knowledge.

Do not fill yourself with the outside. Fill the outside with you. What springs from you.

Old and new knowledge can combine and is already connected WITHIN the original knowledge.

Original knowledge contains old and new knowledge.

It is old and always new.

Old is new. New is old.

Always different and changing.

In original knowledge, old and new are one.

Original knowledge is change and has no fixed structures or techniques.

Original knowledge is not written anywhere.

Original knowledge is a source within you that bubbles up incessantly.

Original knowledge is a feeling, a sense of completeness.

Don’t look for it on the outside, find it within yourself.

Original knowledge is remembering and redeeming yourself from your own oblivion.

Original knowledge is free and boundless.

Original knowledge is the security that you seek in apparent external structures.

Original knowledge is a knowledge of all being.

From each individual and yet from a wholeness.

Everyone brings their very own knowledge from the origin of everything.

No learned or imparted knowledge.

Pure, pure essence knowledge.

Remembered, released from within you.

Regardless of whether it is simply calling you or you are already an experienced healer, coach or spiritual teacher and you realize that you are not getting anywhere with your previous knowledge or old concepts and that it is no longer working.

This is about YOUR original knowledge, which is born on earth through you alone and you are needed here and now.

We look forward to every individual who has the courage to live themselves and their own origin knowledge.

❤️Marloes Kremers and Susanne Sarina Hüppmeier ❤️