I’m back dahhhhhaaaa.
Back from Me Time, I’m really looking forward to the creatures in my sessions this week. This was the first time for me for so long and I’m sooooo looking forward to it. Madness. They are really deep connections.

I simply love the work.
And so I am absolutely delighted

This week to 3 sessions: Divine Mentoring ( 1:1 Talk & Co Creation with the Divine Universe) and a preliminary talk

2 final talks in Co Creation- business mentoring for new age businesses with a medical practice and a tax office and celebrating universal change.

Intensive session Healing Life – live your own healing/ origin knowledge – opening the access to origin knowledge

Uuuuand preparation for the presence days in our ❤️Ausbildung into your own origin knowledge. ❤️

Uiiii that will be great.

And I’m excited to see what else will show up, unfold and land.

With this in mind, welcome July and let’s get ready to create miracles.