Due to current events: The current quality of time makes old emotions pop up again. They may be looked at again and loved.

We go through the world, react hurt, angry, anxious, sad, jealous!

Sometimes we don't recognize ourselves anymore.
We feel worthless, not loved, ignored!
Who are you at that moment?
Have you ever wondered that?
Have you ever noticed this?
We are happy to blame others for our reactions, for our feelings.
Are you really the adult woman at that moment?
Or is this the little girl in you who roars and wanders lost in the adult body?
Meet your little one!
Get to know them!
Get to know their feelings!
Talk to her!
Ask her what she needs! How she's doing!
Spend time with her!
Protect them!
You are now an adult and can take care of them yourself!

Put her in situations that frighten her where she's safe.
Don't let it hurt. For example, create a shelter garden for her and fill it with everything she likes.

Turn these parts of yourself that buzz around and turn the view into the outside quite figuratively speaking. Take them by the "shoulders" and turn them lovingly towards you with a view of your heart.

Slowly guide them towards your heart, consciously… until you notice that these parts calm down, are no longer excited. (Again, you don't have to know exactly how, the idea in your mind's eye is enough.)
Don't look outside, give your little one the attention and care she needs!
Take responsibility for the little one in you!
Turn it to your heart.

There's all the love she needs!