For a few weeks now, there has been a lot going on out there in the world. No matter if you follow the news or experience it yourself. It is noticeable in all areas.

Self-doubt, existential fears, old patterns to the point of dismissal

However, I would really like to address those of you who are personally throwing the dice and hereby encourage you.

Even for someone like me, who already knows how to deal with it, it is frightening at first when it comes in such a concentrated charge.

Self-doubt comes up, emotions from the past are present again, existential fears, fear of loss, old patterns come up again, old structures dissolve. Somehow nothing seems to fit anymore, and you have the feeling that you are on an emotional all-round construction site. Supposed security objects such as relationships, finances, jobs, families break away or are changing. Maybe it will also be physically noticeable in one or the other of you.

Retreat into nature instead of going crazy
Despite tools at hand, there are phases where perception flashes me at first. I have the feeling that I am going crazy and have to collect myself first. How do I do this? I do a lot of mindfulness work and always bring myself back to the here and now and become present. For this I prefer the retreat into nature. A few days ago, when it was already dark, I was barefoot in the forest, and I saw a horde of fireflies. :-)))

Panic and compulsions to endure it
In the past, when I had no idea what all this is, and that this was a sometime no longer so loving nudge (because I ignored it for years) of my soul and life, I often reacted with panic and thought, "Oh God, what is that, I have to do something, I have to do something. I can't stand it otherwise."
Kind of like the white rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland". "No time, no time."
I then took refuge in senseless distractions or fell into constraints, had real panic states. Because of the "I have to get rid of this, these feelings (that's what I call it) are unbearable", many people make hasty decisions.
Now that I see the headline, I have to smile. Yes, I had compulsions to endure feelings and what I perceive. Funny pun.

The body is on strike
I used to start breathing shallowly and contract, take action even more, which then caused my body to go on strike because it just wanted rest, my brain was undersupplied, and the panic got worse. My body has been through this for an astonishingly long time. But since I never listened to him, then came the wooden hammer method.


For those of you who have been through some of these processes, it may feel like you're on point and nothing is moving. This often triggered doubts in me, a feeling of overwhelm "I can do it and no that's all too much for me, I can't do it all." My goal in mind and then the question, how am I ever going to do it. It's like a hole that opens and suddenly everything flows in…

I take care of myself
Today I pay loving attention to the signs even if it is whirling at first. In the times my soul and my body longs for peace and support.

The phases come in waves
But I don't just want to tell you what you probably feel right now, but I want to tell you a few ways that helped me.

But let me tell you first, you are not alone. As bad as it feels right now, it has a beginning and an end. I have often thought there is no end to this. I was taught otherwise. These phases are like waves, they come and they go again.

Let yourself be carried by these waves like a surfer.


Allow yourself to allow all these feelings and fears to be there. It's totally ok. Do not join the resistance or fight against it. Allow it to be there. You don't have to do anything with it. As real as it feels, you are not the feeling. It is "only" a visitor. It's coming…. and it works again!

Expand beyond your physical limits and stretch your physical body. We tend to contract when we panic or in uncomfortable situations and the body bends.
Become present – mindfulness, meditation, bare feet and oils
With mindfulness work or meditations you bring yourself back into the here and now, come back to yourself completely. What I also like to do, walking barefoot on the lawn or in the forest. Consciously feel the ground under your feet, how does that feel?!

Another idea: Lie down comfortably and consciously feel three points on your body, e.g. your feet, your head, how it rests, and maybe you put your hands on your stomach and feel the touch.
Focus on calm breathing! I also find it very exciting to smell an essential oil. Through the sense of smell you also come back to the here and now and incidentally, the oil supports on an emotional, energetic and physical level. (e.g. Present Time :-))) When it is
turbulent, we tend to "drift off", so it is very helpful to be present in your body and in the here and now.

Decisions can wait
Postpones important decisions to avoid knee-jerk reactions.

Breaks in everyday life
Consciously take breaks and slow down your everyday life, stop, lower your barriers (just imagine that you have a wall in front of you that you push down and then sink into the floor), maybe close your eyes and just notice. You don't have to know exactly how, just allow it to happen.

Take care of yourself and ask questions
Ask what is loving for you right now! What do you need right now? what do you need to make the situation easier for you?
Maybe a good book or just lying on the sofa, a walk, sports….
Pay attention to the small signs 😉
We often forget ourselves in such situations. That's why it's important to look after yourself.

Recharge your batteries and let out energy in nature

Go into the forest (doesn't necessarily have to be at night ;-)), recharge your batteries there or let everything that is not a contribution to you drain into the earth. You can also do it anywhere you are. Many of us also absorb a lot of our surroundings. The thoughts, feelings, whims of other people. You can drain them very well into the earth. Just give permission for anything that doesn't serve you to flow through your feet into the earth. It may be that your feet get pretty hot 😉

Accept support
Ask for support! We generally don't like to do that, because we've been taught that we have to do everything on our own. Allow yourself to ask. You don't have to do anything alone. For example, if you have a problem with your DSL line, you can also get the technician if you are not one yourself. You also don't necessarily have to ask people for support. Maybe you ask the question to your soul or just into the room: "Hey dear soul, I don't know what to do right now. Please show me the next steps." Then pay attention, it can be songs, it can be pictures, a person you meet, something in nature or your inner voice tells you to read a certain book, for example.

After the caterpillar comes the butterfly

Do you know the saying:

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it fought its way out of its cocoon and turned into a butterfly?"

My experience is that you always emerge bigger from these energetically turbulent phases.

Even if I hate it sometimes (I have to smile), I am grateful afterwards because I notice that I have developed one step further. But every wave is also different, and it gradually gets easier. When you start a new sport, there is also a strong muscle soreness. But then you get practice in it, and the successes become visible.

A nudge in your direction

Your soul gradually nudges you in your own direction. You notice more and more that old beliefs and constructs no longer fit. Like a jacket that has become too small. You gradually get an idea of who you are and can be without old patterns, experiences, etc.
We humans have always been free, but we have to remember it again.
These are times as we are experiencing them at the moment. Some are extremely opposed to it and do not want to. Others are already on their way, may not know how to classify it yet, but they have a faint idea.

This and that
I will gradually take a closer look at individual topics mentioned above and deepen them either in a video, blog or audio. These were first of all ad hoc a few tips for everyday life, to master this time just easier.

Let me know how you're doing! Maybe you have other ideas.

I am looking forward to your experiences and your feedback!

Your Susanne