What is my favorite thing to do?

Sitting here, surfing between the worlds, immersing myself in other dimensions, listening to the beings, the elements, the universe and communicating with them, 1-to-1, working, serving, learning from them. To open up spaces so that they can work through me or I can implement for them…Simply work in being. For me, this is the most natural thing in the world and the greatest gift at the same time.

Moving energies. To work. Nonverbal. Energetic communication.
I really love it. For the highest good of all. The people, the earth. All beings.
I loved that as a child.

And to experience what is possible as a result is the greatest gift.
A miracle.
This encounter, the radiance, seeing things change instantly, being healed, or tons of energies being transformed and moved. To give the essence of beings the opportunity to be and unfold their full potential and to support us humans.
This kind of encounter and communication is so healing, so great, so divine, sincere and clear, full of appreciation.
It strengthens the essentials. Pure. Clear.
To dive into these worlds, to move and create there…indescribable.

Sometimes I wish the whole world could experience or feel this…

I will gladly take you into this world, my world, and let you feel it.❤️

Thank you for this gift🙏