Who am I?
“Dear heart, dear soul
What and who am I when I no longer have an apartment?
What and who am I without my previous civil servant job?
What am I in society without these imposed structures, definitions, identifications and expectations?
What am I without someone giving me permission or an imposed ability to do something?
Who or what am I without externally imposed healing techniques and testimonials from strangers about achievements?
Who or what am I without all of this?”
❤️Du dearest soul…. you are…
You are you dearest soul.
Pure you.
Without frills pure you.
Free as the
Being what you are.❤️
I am currently accompanying another courageous woman who is ready to free herself for her own path, her essence, her potential. Uncompromising.
I have touched her in her depths and she is falling layer by layer.
Everything you thought you were falls… We go deep. And when you think you can’t go any further, I go even deeper….
Then she asked me. Who am I then??
And I remembered that I had asked my soul exactly the same question back then and I read her the answer.
She was deeply touched. Sensed inside herself.
And she began to recognize and remember. Peel yourself free. Layer by layer. She is thrown back on herself, on her pain points and shadows, her pearls, her treasure. And I am there and remain there and it becomes free ….for itself, its essence, its truthfulness, its path.