Anyone who works with the energies and souls of other beings is treading on sacred ground.

Divine and cosmic laws apply here.

This is about service, devotion, allowing yourself to be led and being led.

Mastery of your own being.

Sometimes when I’m in the coaching/healing scene etc. watching what’s going on…. makes me sick.

This is not something you “learn”. This is a task, a calling, an initiation, a gift, a service, a being that you accept and what you are, with everything that goes with it (the whole package) and you gradually grow into it and are trained and imbued with it. Not in doing but in being . But not from just anyone. But of the big picture.
From the universe. (I’ll call it that, for me it includes all cosmic teachings).
And some of us are mediators between the worlds.
That means taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Being aware of it and being able to manage and maintain it.

I am grateful every day that I can work like this. That I may feel beyond my human being. Working with beings. Tears often well up in my eyes with gratitude, blessing and grace from the intensity of these beings, the energies, this beauty.

Maybe again for all those who do it because it’s just IN or just to earn money….

❗️❗️❗️Du are treading on sacred ground.❗️❗️❗️
Different laws apply here. And we humans do not make these laws.