That makes me totally uncomfortable. 

As you know, I’m not really that active here. I didn’t usually feel so comfortable showing myself here. On the other hand, a lot of what I read here doesn’t give me anything either. But I also realized that I was holding myself and my light back here. Actually I have a lot to say, but often I don’t say it here because then the usual doubts come up or the old voices, who doesn’t know them…

But I have made a decision for myself.

I want to live myself and I stand by my values and my truth and what defines me…in all areas.

I want to grow and not hold back anywhere.

Because my truth is that everyone is needed here with their original knowledge and with their own truth. Everyone in their full light with everything they bring to the table.

And together we anchor our light, each in our own strength.

I read so much here where I don’t feel any truth or energy or it doesn’t inspire me.

I want to shine my light here. Bringing in other impulses and my truth and values. I’m not here for likes or anything like that, but for the knowledge that I’m setting new impulses with my contributions (authentic and pure, not as they should perhaps be), the light and the energy behind them. Even if it’s just a small accent. He makes the difference.

So I encourage you too. Talk about yourself, your values and shine in your full light. No matter where. Because that’s what makes the difference.

You make the difference. With your light. Your truth, your knowledge, your values.