Do you know this? Someone sees you…trusts you more than you trust yourself?

Or everything breaks away and this void has to be filled again…


Your space expands and suddenly old wounds come to the surface and out of sheer shock at this greatness, this vastness of giving yourself even more space, your space collapses and you no longer feel it? Doubts and fears spread and fixed structures break down?


Then it is important that someone reminds you of your safe place and leads you back there.


Accept these wounds lovingly and love them through.

More and more and more.

Let your love become greater than your fear, than your reflections.

Where love embraces fear, peace and more of you arise.


I often “program” my clients’ hands so that they serve as an anchor and magnet for their safe place and more of themselves.

Just this morning I received feedback on this from an entrepreneur who is currently breaking new ground and conquering new spaces for himself and his company.

He said that he was no longer afraid at all but had confidence and was also doing very well again physically.


He said: “There’s never been so much of me before. And that feels brilliant”.


And that makes me really happy. 🙏