My blog

What is my favorite thing to do?!
What is my favorite thing to do? Sitting here, surfing between the worlds, immersing myself in other dimensions, listening to the beings, the elements, the universe and communicating with them, 1-to-1, working, serving, learning from them. To open up spaces so that...
Anyone who works with the energies and souls of other beings is treading on sacred ground.
Anyone who works with the energies and souls of other beings is treading on sacred ground. Divine and cosmic laws apply here. This is about service, devotion, allowing yourself to be led and being led. Mastery of your own being. Sometimes when I'm in the...
False securities and illusions
False securities and illusions Today I spontaneously had the impulse to make a video about what is possible when you let go of the web of false securities and illusions. Especially when it comes to business, sales, marketing and "new" strategies. Perhaps as an...
My story
My story I'm sitting here right now.. quite touched and fulfilled and also thoughtful in the sense of appreciating my own path.... when I look back ... feel into the now and into what may yet come. This is MY way. There is so much gold in there. Not just for me. I...
Healingwalk & Healingtalk
Healingwalk & Healingtalk "An impulse, a short conversation with you brings so much remembrance and clarity, orientation and stability out of me" (feedback from a client) It is often the inconspicuous, subtle and pure that moves entire worlds. I see you. I...
For me, freedom means living my truth and my original knowledge.
For me, freedom means living my truth and my original knowledge. Committing to it blasts the way there free in love! For me, freedom means having the opportunity to heal and grow at my own pace and to give my soul the space to unfold as it is and as it needs to.
Consistent authenticity meets fakes and illusions
Consistent authenticity meets fakes and illusions At the moment there are enormous levels of manipulation and illusion in the field again and I talk about what happens when pure light meets fake and about the challenges and opportunities of being and remaining...
Time quality
Time quality Perhaps as a reminder...since I was and am busy with emergency clearing all weekend and this morning... This year, at least in my perception, is about embodying your essence. Purity of your own essence. When I was planning for this year or. when I read...
A few clear words from me on the subject
A few clear words from me on the subject Info talk versus sales persuasion talk & Commitment- Freedom- Commitment There are so many distortions in it that I would like to make you think with this video! Freedom, commitment and obligation are not mutually...
Training in your own original knowledge
🌟Training in your own original knowledge 🌟 🌟We start on 01.03.24 Are you in? 🌟Registration only possible until 22.02.24 🌟You can still contact us for an InfoFühl conversation until 20.02.24. Take your old new place now, in this changing time and change the world with...
“The connection with your heaven of origin helps you to remember who you are in the depths.”
Susanne Sarina Hüppmeier
Amtsweg 34
33104 Paderborn
© Sarina Hüppmeier 2019-2024 I Website by Erfülltes Business & Ulrich Haug