My blog

The world needs pioneers
The world needs pioneers who live their own original knowledge and use it for the benefit of the earth and humanity! There is already enough knowledge available. This training in your own original knowledge is great, it contains everything that already exists and at...
Dealing with energies instead of diagnoses
Current energies Anxiety/ strange thoughts
🩷Small practice room for you🩷 I already noticed at the weekend that there is a lot of fear and "dense" thought energy in the field and that it is condensing. But these are not mine or belong to me. Therefore for you: 🤍 If you feel the same way...Be aware, most of what...
Are you still looking for healing or other things on the outside? Do you do one training course after another, read books and wonder why it only touches parts of you? In the training in your own original knowledge, we remind you of YOUR knowledge. You carry this...
You are just as right as you are
You are just as right as you are. 🩷 But you are also so much more than you can even imagine or perhaps think right now. Open yourself up to the meeee(h)r of you. 🌊 For your full potential. Expand into this wholeness. In this completeness. Into the being that you are...
♥The space of being seen breaks down boundaries.♥
This was particularly present this week in my 1:1 mentoring and in the management consultancy. Not having to be anything. Value-free encounters. Being seen in the essence. Roles, masks, expectations, impositions Definitions, could fall. The true essence became visible...
clear words about our training
A few (more) words about our 💫training in your own primal knowledge 2024/2025 💫 with 🩷Marloes Kremers and me🩷
My thoughts on growth: adjusting screw taxes/insurance/commitment
Areas in which you like to unconsciously withdraw your light.
On relinquishing power and lack of leadership
Are you acting out of weakness or strength? And what difference does it make? Have fun with my first Life😅
I can but do not have to
I already shared the video in my status yesterday. But today I wanted to write something else about it. I love the sound of rustling leaves. I really love it. I was so happy about it. I'm doing it every day right now. And as I'm walking through the leaves, I realize...
“The connection with your heaven of origin helps you to remember who you are in the depths.”
Susanne Sarina Hüppmeier
Amtsweg 34
33104 Paderborn
© Sarina Hüppmeier 2019-2024 I Website by Erfülltes Business & Ulrich Haug