Peace and quiet, the introspection,
Be with yourself and trust yourself.

Be familiar with yourself!

Root-strengthening, growing upwards.
Trusting in oneself, staying with oneself.

Regardless of what happens on the outside!

You radiate it outwards,
rooted and connected
strengthened and carried
the reins in your hand.

Within you are the answers to all your questions.

Expanse around me, vastness in me
A knowledge, a basic trust.

Letting go of what should
be devotion Trust in my knowledge."

The energy that accompanies me in February.

Do you also feel every day, every week, every month, what energy, what gifts the day, the week, the month has in store for you?

Do you connect the energy of your heart with the energy of the day, the week, the month?

Use the energy, the qualities for yourself and your heart alignment!

The last time I have often read how "extreme" it was in January for many. So many strokes of fate…

But the energy in my month of January, also concerning my environment and customers, expressed itself quite differently.

I did not get into this "poaching" and stayed with myself, used the energies of January individually for me together with my heart and welcomed the gifts.
Here and there I sprinkled some "glitter energy" over it.

An impulse that I would like to give you:

Feel for yourself again and be aware, no matter what energies, moon constellations etc. there are, there are energies WITHOUT bad WITHOUT evaluation… We alone put the evaluation into it. You are not dependent on it, you can decide for yourself what you do and what you don't do with it.

Unfortunately, this is often forgotten.
We are not at the mercy of energy. On the contrary, they are there to support us. But to use them and consciously work with them, that is entirely up to us and I am happy to show and support you, because I myself know how exhausting the "feeling of being at the mercy" can be.

I wish you a wonderful week and a lot of fun trying it out.