My blog

Interview with Irka on the topic of business co-creation
Do you also love breaking new ground in business? Many people feel that it's time for this - and that we can and must lead and shape business in a new way today.... I recently spoke to Susanne Sarina Hüppmeier about this - she has always been on a very individual path...
Can you listen to yourself? Where do yoga, meditation etc. take you away from yourself instead of towards yourself?
As it's very topical again at the moment, I'm sharing a video here that I once made for a group. Kannst du dir eigentlich selber zu hören? Kannst du überhaupt hören und lauschen? Erschreckend...die wenigstens können das und da liegt der Schlüssel.Wo bringen dich Yoga,...
Monday is always TEAM MEETING DAY for me 😊🌟🧚♀️🔮🦄🐘
I meet with all my beings who accompany and surround me, including my business beings and all the beings who are also involved, my team spirits, financial beings, my body beings, the space and house beings and many more. Today there are also many nature beings. We are...
🌟Trauma/ Body/ Magical Work🌟
Recently I have increasingly observed that our bodies want to free themselves from "traumas" (in " because it is about the energy behind it) / want to let go / want to let this energy flow out and do this independently as if from nowhere. This often leads to enormous...
Stability arises within me
Stability arises in me when I don't chase after goals but relax into my own flow every day anew. Lasse deine Ziele, dein Muss im Aussen los und entspanne dich in deinen ganz eigenen Fluss…immer wieder neu.Lass dich fließen und lass dich von dieser Magie berühren....
Breaking up – Depth
I haven't posted here for a long time. Here is a "small" update on my life and work in the first half of 2023, which was very intense for me 💗
❤️ I’m here and I’m❤️ staying
I don't want to move right now. I want to be here right now. I want to be straight without having to be anything. I'm uncomfortable and annoying right now. Sometimes I don't like myself right now or I get on my own nerves. I'm staying. I stay with this woe without...
Feel your own soul path – When the "plans" are just no longer on
If you feel the same way right now and you want support in feeling your own soul path again, feel free to contact us. ❤️❤️❤️
⭐My Christmas present for you⭐ I am completely immersed in this energy of the Christmas season and the Rauhnächte. For me, this is pure magic. So healing. 💫 I enjoy surfing, combining and mediating between the worlds. An exchange between the universes to bring magic...
Your way to freedom
All in. Me with you at your side - Step by step - kept and still free. All in of you, that means everything of you on all levels - and for this your way to freedom you get All in from me. There is a fixed space. In it, everything is freely movable and is...
“The connection with your heaven of origin helps you to remember who you are in the depths.”
Susanne Sarina Hüppmeier
Amtsweg 34
33104 Paderborn
© Sarina Hüppmeier 2019-2024 I Website by Erfülltes Business & Ulrich Haug