My blog


The sun is shining outside. Everything cries out: "You have to be happy, rejoice, go out and enjoy the world!"But you don't feel like it at all. Actually, you feel like a rainy day, cuddle up and don't go outside the door? And shall I tell you...


What is it? Many think of zack Bum everything is good again, Happy Sunshine and you are enlightened, you are never sick again and just floats through life or all who deal with it, walk around in wool socks. Also interesting. I always have to laugh when I look at...

Conversation with my heart

Hello, it's me, your heart!"Nice that you visit me after such a long time and remember me.Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. I am happy that you have found me again and am looking forward to the common path with you. Follow me!. I will show you...

Voila C ́est moi " 2018 "! Well super and now?

ZACK....BUM... And then it's there. With a lot of fanfare, banging and the whole tramderam. Super. Schön. Welcome 2018. Just rumbled into my life. Super and nu? What do I do with you now? The state of limbo between the years It's not like I didn't know you...

Turbulent times – tips on how to make it a little easier

For a few weeks now, there has been a lot going on out there in the world. No matter if you follow the news or experience it yourself. It is noticeable in all areas. Self-doubt, existential fears, old patterns to the point of dismissalHowever, I would really like to...

Hey you, yes exactly you, do you speak the same language as me?

After my site has been online for a few weeks now, and I didn't get anything in the period between November and January, at least on the outside, so I was more busy with my inside, I'll start my first blog post... in other words, completely new...

I don't want to lose M(d)ich!!! Release…So were my last weeks

Unstructured, jumbled... Muddled through... completely confused... That could perhaps roughly describe what has been going on in me lately. The emphasis is on approximately...! *laughs* (my laughter never goes away ;-)ever something) I warn you against it. This...

“The connection with your heaven of origin helps you to remember who you are in the depths.”


Susanne Sarina Hüppmeier
Amtsweg 34
33104 Paderborn

© Sarina Hüppmeier 2019-2024 I Website by Erfülltes Business & Ulrich Haug